I've been reading lot of parenting stuff for my 2 yr old. I came across a terminology "Tarbiyah"(an Urdu word)couldn't find an exact English word. Though it has a very deep meaning in Urdu but to understand we can define it as Upbringing. Tarbiyah is a process of molding a person to be a better human being. It involves much more than just intellect, skills & knowledge. It involves a person's heart, emotions and his soul. Every sensible person clearly knows the difference between right & wrong, legal & illegal. A person not having a proper Tarbiyah though is aware, doesn't care how he execute work. His heart doesn't stops him from doing wrong, he never feels guilty, as time passes he enjoy playing mischief. A person can have excellent skills as a public speaker, a computer programmer, a doctor, a cop, a lawyer or even as a head of the country but if he fails to put his skills to right use, his Tarbiyah is not proper. Lets say, an eloquent public...
Dear Muslim Brothers, As Covid-19 has been declared as a pandemic, alhamdulillah India is still safer than other countries from its effect. As a Muslim a greater responsibility is assigned by our prophet (peace be upon him) 1400 years ago to take precautions of such pandemics. Some people think the current Quarantine system as some kind of punishment for healthy humans because even healthy people are not allowed to move out and they feel they will catch the virus by staying in the same location. I would like you to remind about the hadith of our prophet (peace be upon him); "If you hear of an outbreak of plague in a land, do not enter it; but if the plague breaks out in a place while you are in it, do not leave that place. (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim.) " It means you should not leave the place even if you are healthy because the chances are you might be the carrier of the virus of that plague which may spread to other locations if you leave the place(even thoug...