Yesterday I read an article where a very famous Indian personality said "Education and Affluence lead to divorce".
I don't at all agree with his statement.
Knowledge is something that gives a human deep insights into this life and universe around. It gives human wisdom to understand and do things.
With this statement of his it seems education to him and those who agree with him is limited to acquiring the material things of life.
These are the people who gain so called 'technical education' so that they get a high paying job, a luxurious apartment/bungalow in a prime location of the city, a nice vacation once a year.
These type of people keep relations with a person only if there is a material gain(money,power,position,beautiful wife/handsome husband) to them with that relationship.
They break the relationship if they don't see any material gain.
These people lack the education which is known as moral education which now a days has been removed as a subject from most of the schools.
Which I believe is the most important subject in today's hard times.
To summarize, those who have not taken the moral education seriously have this mentality and definitely they have problems in their homes.
Solution: He gave a very vague solution which can not be digested by majority of population. The solution is Kids need to be taught moral values and rights of men over women and rights of women over men in their young age.
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