Dear Muslim Brothers,
As Covid-19 has been declared as a pandemic, alhamdulillah India is still safer than other countries from its effect.
As a Muslim a greater responsibility is assigned by our prophet (peace be upon him) 1400 years ago to take precautions of such pandemics.
We completely rinse the important and open parts of our body in the form of wuzu 5 times a day just before our prayers, that includes our Mouth, Nostrills, Ears, Face, Eyes, Hands and Feet. These are the parts that mostly come in contact at the public places which may have a chance to catch the Virus.
There 2 more things I have observed which we need to take care of;
As Covid-19 has been declared as a pandemic, alhamdulillah India is still safer than other countries from its effect.
As a Muslim a greater responsibility is assigned by our prophet (peace be upon him) 1400 years ago to take precautions of such pandemics.
Some people think the current Quarantine system as some kind of punishment for healthy humans because even healthy people are not allowed to move out and they feel they will catch the virus by staying in the same location.
I would like you to remind about the hadith of our prophet (peace be upon him);
"If you hear of an outbreak of plague in a land, do not enter it; but if the plague breaks out in a place while you are in it, do not leave that place. (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim.)"
It means you should not leave the place even if you are healthy because the chances are you might be the carrier of the virus of that plague which may spread to other locations if you leave the place(even though you don't show any symptoms).
The basic precautions "WHO" has suggested by keeping our hygiene and regular washing of hands is been taken care by we Muslims who pray 5 times a Day. Alhamdulillah we don't have to remember to wash hands and face. It has been inbuilt in our culture by the one and only Almighty God.
We completely rinse the important and open parts of our body in the form of wuzu 5 times a day just before our prayers, that includes our Mouth, Nostrills, Ears, Face, Eyes, Hands and Feet. These are the parts that mostly come in contact at the public places which may have a chance to catch the Virus.
There 2 more things I have observed which we need to take care of;
1. Avoid using public Towels in Masjid :- Most of the Masjids have a public towels to wipe of the wet hands and face after wuzu (spiritual cleansing). All those who have been using it un-intentionally without the knowledge, please avoid it especially from now onwards because no body knows who will be carrying the virus.
2. Avoid making wuzu in the 'Hoz': Use the running tap water to make wuzu rather than the Hoz during this pandemic. We may not know how frequently the water is been replaced in the hoz.
I believe for now if we take these two precautions, inshaallah one and only almighty God will protect us from this deadly virus.
And if by chance if you have been tested positive for this virus, do not panic.
Our prophet (peace be upon him)in order to make sure that the plague doesn't spread out to other locations established a wall around the area of the plague and promised those who are patient and stay in the area of the plague with the reward of the martyrs, and those who run away from it were promised doom and perdition.
Our prophet (peace be upon him)in order to make sure that the plague doesn't spread out to other locations established a wall around the area of the plague and promised those who are patient and stay in the area of the plague with the reward of the martyrs, and those who run away from it were promised doom and perdition.
So as a Muslim our faith tells us to be patient during this pandemic.
May the one and only Creator of this entire universe and all that is within it, the most merciful and compassionate, protects all the humanity from this deadly virus and give patience to those who have been afflicted by this calamity and reward them in the hereafter.
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