I've been reading lot of parenting stuff for my 2 yr old. I came across a terminology "Tarbiyah"(an Urdu word)couldn't find an exact English word. Though it has a very deep meaning in Urdu but to understand we can define it as Upbringing. Tarbiyah is a process of molding a person to be a better human being. It involves much more than just intellect, skills & knowledge. It involves a person's heart, emotions and his soul. Every sensible person clearly knows the difference between right & wrong, legal & illegal. A person not having a proper Tarbiyah though is aware, doesn't care how he execute work. His heart doesn't stops him from doing wrong, he never feels guilty, as time passes he enjoy playing mischief. A person can have excellent skills as a public speaker, a computer programmer, a doctor, a cop, a lawyer or even as a head of the country but if he fails to put his skills to right use, his Tarbiyah is not proper. Lets say, an eloquent public...